Friday, July 10, 2009

faith and desire and the swing of your hips

so i remember a long time ago i was sitting here staring at this white box with its blinking cursor, unable to come up with any words for how horrible and empty and sad i was feeling at the time. just now i was sitting here staring at the same white box and i am at a loss for words again but not because i'm sad - instead it's because i can't come up with any words that would accurately convey how happy i am, how i feel like i can do anything or be anything, how i want to cry every time i think about you and this and everything because i just can't keep it in. how i just wrote the longest run-on sentence ever and really don't care. how much it means to me when i wake up shaking in the middle of the night and you're there to tell me it's okay. how you want what i want and vice versa. how nothing i could say could even come close to how much the real thing means.

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