Tuesday, September 6, 2011

beautiful and crystalline and epic

notre dame is pulling off at exit 77 with your heart in your throat. notre dame is the first glimpse of the golden dome calling me back home. notre dame is the way any ordinary landmark is extraordinary through the lens of memory.

notre dame is sprinting across a driveway and tackling and hugging. notre dame is best friends for life. notre dame is walking to the bookstore and laughing at old jokes. notre dame is buying unnecessary school merchandise just because.

notre dame is old friends and new friends. notre dame is sharing a mirror and appliance cords getting tangled. notre dame is dancing around the house to an ipod while getting ready. notre dame is taxi cabs and three dollar fare. notre dame is jumping around to 80s songs and screaming all the words and swaying in a circle. notre dame is dancing until 3am and staying up talking until 4.

notre dame is waiting out two stadium evacuations on the concrete concourse floor, sitting on a poncho with two of my best friends. notre dame is walking back into that stadium and looking around and seeing it mostly full after two hours of lightning and rain. notre dame is most of those people still coming back after the second evacuation. notre dame is screaming my throat sore even when there's two minutes left and not even a chance of a win.

notre dame is standing in the back of the crowded basilica. notre dame is kneeling on the floor even though it hurts a little. notre dame is looking up at the vaulted ceilings and feeling like the luckiest person in the world. notre dame is tearing up when the folk choir sings an a capella alleluia. notre dame is getting choked up and almost sobbing at the sound of the alma mater. notre dame is a friend's hand on my shoulder saying it's okay.

notre dame is lighting a candle at the grotto and praying thank you, thank you, thank you. notre dame is the way there's a still a hush even though the place is crowded with tourists. notre dame is the way that when i'm there, it feels like no time has passed at all. notre dame is our lady of the lake watching over us always. notre dame is family. notre dame is love.