Saturday, February 9, 2013

kick drum beating in my chest again

i am 24 years old. this shouldn't mean that much to me, but it just does.

when i was 17, fall out boy got me through the toughest of times, the loudest of fights, the worst crying sessions and the hardest feelings of betrayal. through them, i got out my frustrations of my awful job in parkland and worked out my feelings about graduation before leaving for college. through them, i cried over my ex-boyfriend, cried over my ex-friends, and learned to love myself again. through them, i told my true friends how much i loved them and realized that landing on a runway in chicago is something never to be taken for granted. through them, i started to define who i was, and i walked the streets of london feeling like i had at least one thing figured out.

fall out boy's music--however you choose to define or judge it--shaped my life since i was an immature teenager. and beyond that, i loved the melodies, loved the words, loved those boys regardless of who said it was shitty music or a stupid band. the few times i got to see them live, i screamed my heart out because they just meant so much to me and it was the only way i could show it.

i am 24 years old. this past monday after four years, fall out boy announced that their break was over. and i will tell you without shame that i got up and did the most embarrassing victory dance and did not care one little bit.

and it's because this band shaped who i am. this band gave me words when i didn't have any. this band gave me joy and cleverly crafted phrases and hope. and they are back and i couldn't be happier. you imperfect boys with your perfect ploys. you're the best. thank you.